
Welcome to the currently re-designed
"www.webinfologic.com" domain!

New Website Opening soon - Bookmark it now.
Bienvenue sur le  domaine www.webinfologic.com 
actuellement en cours de re-développement...

We apologize to our clients for the delay... but we are confident it is well worth the wait .

With our brand new website(s) every customer will now benefit from his/her own administrative section with a host (pun intended ;-) of new services and private access to his/her account information, website control panel, current and paste invoices, double help-desk system, F.A.Q., tutorials, domain name registration and management system, network and server real time status panel....

In the meantime, support is still our top priority : We are just "one email away" and you can count on us to support you as we have always done : Should you need any help or more information, please send any request as usual to  support@webinfologic.com or webinfologic@webinfologic.com
